Mittwoch, 20. Oktober 2010

Radar-Kontrollen und Speedlimits in Kambodscha!

Tendenziell bekommt man je länger man hier ist, das Gefühl, es gäbe keine Verkehrsregeln und die Polizei würde nur Helm- und Gurt-Sünder zur Kasse bitten.
Bei einer kleinen Ausfahrt heute, durfte ich jedoch mit grossem Erstaunen feststellen, dass die hiesige Verkehrspolizei auch Laser-Radar-Geräte hat und diese auch einsetzt.
Siehe Handy-Bild - der Laser-Polizist ist im roten Kreis.
So wurde doch fast in bestem europäischen Stil, in Fahrtrichtung Sihanoukville eine gross angelegte Geschwindigkeitskontrolle durchgeführt und auch andere Verkehrssünder (in beide Richtungen) dabei raus gefiltert und zur Kasse gebeten.

Da mir ehrlich gesagt bis heute, auch nicht unbedingt klar war, was das Gesetz betreffend Speed, Geschwindigkeiten in der Stadt und auf dem Land aussagt, habe ich mal ein wenig "gegoogelt" und siehe da - ich bin sogar sehr detailliert fündig geworden! 
Witzig ist in dem Zusammenhang, dass es auch ein Punkte-System wie in Deutschland gibt - bei 12 Penaltys - ist dann fertig lustig. 
Also eigentlich alles wunderbar, doch leider wird bisher nicht einmal 10%, der eigentlich sehr guten Strassenverkehrs-Ordnung umgesetzt! 
Trotzdem - wer hier lebt und sich auch mal tollkühn in den Straßenverkehr stürzt, sollte sich mal die Zeit nehmen und die kambodschanischen Gesetze durchlesen.

Download komplettes: "Traffic Law" (38 A4-Seiten.)

Law on Land Traffic: Chapter III, Art. 10-19 - Drivers, towing, speed, distance

The towing procedures shall be implemented in the following regulations:

- For hooking and hauling the vehicles, the drivers must use the cables or iron bars, or other hooking tools that are firm and easy for turning the vehicles.

- The drivers are prohibited from using the cables to haul/tow the vehicles with the net weight over 5 tons upward.

- The drivers are prohibited from hauling/towing more than one vehicle or the vehicles with trailers or semi-trailers.

- The drivers are prohibited from hauling/towing bicycles or motorcycles.

- The drivers are banned from hauling/towing all kinds of vehicles that carry passengers inside, except the driver.

- The vehicles with trailers or semi-trailers must carry the triangle signs with two yellow reflectors/mirrors to be placed on the front bumpers of the vehicles between the number plates.

- The towing technique of vehicles with trailers or semi-trailers or freeing the trailers or semi-trailers from the vehicles or the engines must be determined by the Ministry of Public Works and Transport.

At the bus stops in towns, the drivers of the other kinds of vehicles must slow down and stop if it is necessary to allow the buses to move in and out easily at the bus stops.

The driving speeds of vehicles are defined in accordance with the conditions as follows:

1. The driving speeds for vehicles in general:

A. In towns:

- The drivers of all motorcycles and tricycles must drive in the maximum speed of 30 km per hour
- The drivers of all kinds of cars must drive in the maximum speed of 40 km per hour.

B. Outside towns:

- The drivers of all kinds of vehicles must drive in the maximum speed of 90 km per hour, except for the trucks with the net weight of over 3.5 tons is limited with 70 km per hour and the maximum speed of the vehicles with trailers is limited with 60 km per hour.

2. The driving speeds for the vehicles loading with dangerous substances:

A. In towns:

- The drivers of motorcycles or tricycles must drive in the maximum speed of 30 km per hour.
- The drivers of vehicles must drive in the maximum speed of 40 km per hour.

B. Outside towns:

- The drivers of the vehicles must drive in the maximum speed of 70 km per hour for the vehicle with net weight not over 3.5 tons and vehicles with net weight over 3.5 tons using the braking system to hold the tires from stiffness.

- The maximum driving speed of the vehicles with the maximum net weight of over 3.5 tons is 60 km per hour only those vehicles without the braking system to hold the tires from stiffness.

3. The driving speeds for the vehicles driving on the motorways [CC:are none, ha]:

A. In towns:

- The drivers of all types of vehicles must drive in the maximum speed of 60 km per hour.

B. Outside towns:

- The drivers must drive in maximum of 100 km per hour for all types of vehicles, except forthe trucks with maximum net weight over 3.5 tons will be limited to 80 km per hour and thatthe vehicles with trailers will be limited to 70 km per hour in the maximum.

4. Driving speed for vehicles with priorities:

- The regulations stated in Point 1 and 2 of the Article do not apply to the drivers who drive the police, military, military police vehicles, fire engines, ambulances, and some other vehicles equipped with sirens and special light signs on duty.

- The drivers must not drive in an abnormally slow speed without proper reasons because it disturbs other vehicles. The drivers who drive in a slow speed must stay on the right hand side by leaving the other drivers who drive in a high speed to be able to overtake easily on the left hand side. Any drivers who are forced to slow down in an abnormal manner must alert the other drivers by using emergency light signs and keep driving on the most right hand side of the roads


In all cases, the drivers must be always in control of their own speeds and drive in an appropriate speed in accordance with the geographical condition of roads and the conditions of weather, traffic, their vehicles, and loading so that they are able to stop their vehicles on time without dangers.

The drivers must slow down in the cases as follows:
1. When passing other vehicles on the narrow roads.

2. When passing or overtaking the vehicles carrying passengers and children that are stopping to take them on board or to drop them.

3. When approaching the bridges or railway.

4. When the weather is not good and the drivers cannot clearly see the roads in long distance.

5. When changing the traffic direction.

6. When reaching turning roads, curved roads, slippery roads, crossroads, or roundabouts.

7. When approaching high ground or when going down the slope.

8. When passing or overtaking stopping convoys or marching on foot.

9. When reaching the narrow roads with piled objects and houses built next to the path of the roads.

10. In all cases, when seeing the speed limit signs or danger signs.

11. When seeing the vehicles of police, military or military police, fire engines, and ambulances equipped with sirens or light signs; all drivers must slow down and drive to the right hand side. If it is necessary, they must stop as close as to the sidewalks to make it easy for those vehicles to go forward safely.

12. When reaching the schools that are located next to the path of the roads not over 50m.

A vehicle moving behind another vehicle must keep an adequate safety distance to avoid crashing with the front vehicle when it slows down or stops unintentionally. When driving in a higher speed, this kind of safety distance must be kept as far as possible. When driving in a row and in the same speed outside
towns, all vehicles with the maximum net weight over 3.5 tons or with the length over 7 m must keep a distance from one vehicle to another at least 50 m.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Super Infos!
    Vielen Dank und weiter so, lese hier bald täglich mit.


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