Donnerstag, 20. Januar 2011

Entblockt worden!

So habe heute mal bei Ezecom angerufen und gefragt was den "los wäre" - da hat mir der liebe Sachbearbeiter im Callcenter gesagt, man hätte ein Problem mit den Servern - daher würden die Google-Blogs nicht "laden"!
Ich sagte ihm dann mal höflich, er solle mich doch bitte nicht anschwindeln und seinen Bossen sagen, entweder würde die Sache bald wieder funktionieren oder man könne kommenden Monat, meine Zahlung des Internets vergessen!
Es hieß dann man, würde mich telefonisch zurück rufen - eine halbe Stunde später kam tatsächlich ein Anruf, ich solle bitte schauen, ob die Blogs nun wieder laden....und siehe da - es geht wieder!

Cambodia denies action to block critical web blog

 via CAAI
January 19, 2011

The Cambodian government has denied that action was taken against critical web blog that runs from overseas.

Khieu Kanharith, minister of information and the government's spokesman said Wednesday that no action was taken against KI-Media, a web blog which is critical to the government.

He said he still can access to the web as of Wednesday afternoon.

Earlier in the day, local media Cambodian Express News reported a few users of EZECOM internet service provider, one of the country's internet services are complaining they are not able to access to the website, quoting a source as saying all websites with BlogSpot which includes KI-Media are blocked by the Interior Ministry.

But, spokesman of Interior Ministry could not be reached for comment on Wednesday.

KI-Media which runs from overseas is considered by some readers as a critical blog against the Cambodian government which often carries articles touching on corruption, poverty among others.

No one could confirm whereabouts KI-Media is exactly operated, except saying it is run from overseas.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Khmerization website also blocked in Cambodia

By Khmerization

There are media reports that in the last few days, internet users in Cambodia are complaining that they cannot access all websites using as their domain host. the Khmer-language as well the English-language newspapers have reported that internet provider EZECOM ISP has been ordered by Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Defence to block all websites using as their domain host.

As Khmerization has been using as its domain host it has also been blocked in Cambodia. Some readers in Cambodia, and in Sihanoukville in particular, have complained that they cannot access websites using as their domain host for the last two days. Here is an email from a reader in Sihanoukville to Khmerization:
Dear Khmerisation,
since two days ago we cannot open any blog of blogspot. Do you know something? 
Is it any kind of censorship?
Khmerization cannot confirm whether this website has been blocked in Cambodia, so we ask readers in Cambodia to confirm if they can or can't access Khmerization website from Cambodia.

Khmerization is not new to controversy. In June 2010, Khmerization blog was blocked in Thailand, apparently for writing and publishing articles critical of the Thai royal family. In May 2008, Khmerization was threatened with a lawsuit from Foreign Minister Hor Namhong after publishing articles related to his involvements with the Khmer Rouge regime in the 1970s.

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