...wie schon vor einiger Zeit vorausgesagt, sind die Kämpfe an der Grenze trotz "neutralen Beobachtern aus Indonesien" - an zuerst anderer Stelle - wieder von neuem entflammt.
Dazu noch die Verwendung von verbotenen "Cluster-Bombs" (vielleicht oder eher vermutlich, sogar mit Giftgas?) - wieder einmal eine miese thailändische Inszenierung.
PHNOM PENH, April 23 (Xinhua) -- Thai troops have used cluster bombs and poisonous smoke in the armed clashes on Saturday morning over the border disputed area at the Ta Mon Thom temple and Ta Krabey temple in Oddar Meanchey province, said a Cambodian military commander on Saturday.
"They (Thai troops) have not only fired poisonous smoke on our troops, but they have also used cluster bombs to attack on Cambodian troops and surrounding villages," Suos Sothea, deputy commander of the artillery unit, told media from the battle fields on Saturday.
SAMRONG, Cambodia (AFP) – Heavy fighting erupted again Saturday on the Thai-Cambodia border, leaving 10 soldiers dead in two days -- the worst bloodshed since a UN appeal in February for a permanent ceasefire.
The two neighbours have fought a series of deadly gunbattles in recent years in disputed jungle near ancient temples along the frontier, which has never been fully demarcated, partly because it is littered with landmines.
Three Cambodian troops and one Thai soldier were killed on Saturday, according to officials in the two countries, a day after three died on each side.
By KhmerizationMindestens 10 tote Soldaten und wieder Tausende von unschuldigen Anwohnern auf der Flucht - wer weiss wie das noch endet...?!
Source: CEN
Frontline Cambodian troops reported that early this morning, Sunday 24th April, a group of Thai troops based near Ta Krabey temple had shot a few rounds of light ammunition at Cambodian troops based at Ta Krabey temple in order to provoke a fight but the Cambodian troops had shown the utmost restraint by not firing back and as a result they stopped firing at the Cambodian troops.
In another development, Cambodian military claimed that during the fighting yesterday, 4 Cambodian soldiers were reportedly poisoned by toxic gas from Thai artillery shells. The Cambodian military is investigating as this is a serious case of possible war crime.
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