Montag, 15. August 2011

Warum nicht mal preiswert ins 5 Sterne Hotel?

Immer wieder gibt es in Kambodschas Casinos Promotions wie die folgende - welche natürlich nur Leute in Anspruch nehmen sollten, die nicht Gefahr laufen, der Spielsucht zu verfallen - sonst war das dann nichts mit preiswert!

This is to inform you of our fabulous Fun Bus Promotion. Guest looking for
fun can join our Fun Bus Program on every Tuesday and Saturday. Our special
$50 promotional package includes;

1.    Transportation to HTV and Back

2.    5 star hotel (twin share accommodation)

3.    1 breakfast, 2 lunches and 1 dinner buffet meals

4.    $30 slot credit and $30 match play voucher

Join us for our 1st Anniversary Promo, from 25th July to 25th September,
2011 for a chance to win up to $100,000 in prizes and giveaways.

For more information or to avail this offers please contact, 023 991 888.
Additional information about Ha Tien Vegas can also be found on

Please find attached flyers on our promo!!! 


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